Trading foreign exchange, commodity futures, options, precious metals and other over-the-counter or no-exchange products carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.

4.0 out of 5
Over 600 assets to trade including Forex/ Shares/ Indices/ Energies/ Metals/ Cryptos and ETFs
 cTrader’s advanced technology combined with TopFX’s infrastructure ensure low latency and lightning-fast execution
 TopFX offers webinars and video tutorials to help you understand the platform and develop efficient trading strategies

TopFX - General Information

Rebate Rates


Account types




Forex (all currencies)

1.9 USD per lot 0.6 pips per lot Negotiable


1.9 USD per lot 6 USD per lot Negotiable


0.06 pips per contract 0.02 pips per contract Negotiable


1.9 USD per lot 6 USD per lot Negotiable




0.15 USD per lot 0.6 USD per lot Negotiable

Payment options

►Monthly Rebates in FxRebate wallet ►Monthly Rebates in FxRebate wallet ►Monthly Rebates in FxRebate wallet



  1. The Rebates are calculated for one round turn lot (100,000 units) for Forex (all currencies), (100 oz) for Gold, (5,000 oz) for Silver, (100 bar) for Oil, (1 contract) for Indices, (1 share) for Shares, (1 unit for ETFs), and (1 unit) for Cryptos.
  2. For cTrader accounts, the rebates will be calculated per million USD.
  3. For other trading instruments rebate information please contact us at

TopFX Overview

TopFX have been providing liquidity solutions to brokers and other investment firms since 2010.

Today, along with Prime Services, TopFX enable to all types of clients to trade over 600 assets with institutional-grade conditions and first- class customer support. Streaming aggregated liquidity from multiple Tier-1 institutions, TopFX offers you industry-leading spreads, and reliable execution across Forex, Indices, Metals, Energies and other CFDs.

TopFX clients' orders are executed automatically, without human intervention, and at the best available price.

TopFX execution model is consistent with our mission to offer traders a fair trading environment protecting them from artificial slippage, requotes or other price manipulation practices.

TopFX Details
Company Name TopFX Global Ltd, TopFX Ltd
Country Seychelles, Cyprus
Year Open 2010
Headquarters Seychelles, Cyprus
Offices N/A
Employees N/A
License FSA Seychelles SD037, CySEC 138/11
Regulatory Authorities FSA Seychelles, CySEC
USA Clients No
Japanese Clients No
European Clients No
Canadian Clients No
Restricted Countries TopFX does not offer its services to residents of the United States of America, North Korea, Myanmar, Iran and other countries whose domestic regulations classify such investment offering as prohibited.

Regulatory Authority
Agency Financial Services Authority of Seychelles
Short Name FSA Seychelles
Country Seychelles
Min Capitalization N/A
Government Enforced Segregated Accounts No

Safeguard the interest of the Seychelles non-bank financial services sector, through the establishment of a sound and ethical regulatory environment.

To jointly create a conducive environment for the growth and development of the financial services industry of Seychelles, in alignment with the national economic development strategy and in strict compliance with local and international regulatory norms and best practices.

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Agency Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
Short Name CySEC (MiFID)
Country Cyprus
Min Capitalization EUR 730,000
Government Enforced Segregated Accounts Yes

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) is the independent public supervisory Authority responsible for the supervision of the investment services market and transactions in transferable securities carried out in the Republic of Cyprus.

CySEC is to exercise effective supervision to ensure investor protection and the appropriate development of the securities market.

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Account Options

Account Types Raw, Zero, VIP
Min Deposit 50 USD
Max Leverage 1,000:1 for cTrader accounts, 500:1 for MT4 accounts
Min Trade Size 0.01 lots
Max Trade Size 200 lots
Spreads TopFX Spreads
Spread Types Variable spreads
FX Pricing Decimals 5
Commission TopFX Commissions
Rollover (Swaps) Available in the trading platform
Stop Out Level 35% for MT4 accounts, 30% for cTrader accounts
VPS (Virtual Private Server) No

Trading Options
Execution Options NDD
Instruments Forex, Metals, Energies, Indices, Shares, Cryptos, ETFs
OCO Orders No
Trailing Stops Yes
One Click Trading Yes
Scalping Allowed Yes
Hedging Allowed Yes
News Trading Allowed Yes
Expert Advisors Allowed Yes
Islamic Accounts Yes
Copy Trading Yes

Platforms Supported

Trading Platforms MT4 for Desktop, MT4 Mobile, cTrader for Desktop, cTrader Web, cTrader Mobile
Mobile Support MT4 Android, MT4 iOS, cTrader Android, cTrader iOS
Trading API Yes
Managed Accounts Featured Yes
MAMM/PAMM Platform Option Yes
MAMM/PAMM Leaderboard Yes
Trading Platform Time GMT + 02:00
Observe DST Change Yes
DST Change Timezone Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Non-expiring Demo Yes

Operations volume based cashback

Basically in this type, you’ll receive cashback based on your operations volume. Based on this, you’ll generate commission to your provider. Because you’re under the FxRebate affiliate network, we’ll receive a portion of this commission and share the majority of it with you. That’s how you earn (save) money consistently, when you pay commissions to your provider.

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Crypto cashback available

You can receive cashback on cryptocurrency trades such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, LiteCoin, Tether, etc.


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TopFX Customer Service

 24-hour support

 Languages: English

 Email, Live Chat, Call Back Request

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