Trading foreign exchange, commodity futures, options, precious metals and other over-the-counter or no-exchange products carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.


FX Rebate Account Setup

If you didn`t use FxRebate referral link, to put your Fxview trading account under FxRebate partner group you need to send an email to Fxview support at and to request the transfer. Find below a sample of the email. After that, please fill the form below with the requested information. You can also fill it later from your FxRebate client portal. We need this information in order to confirm that your account has been assigned to our partner group, and also to add your rebates.

Dear Sir/ Madame,

Please place my account no.: ............... (put your account number with Fxview) under partner Financial Trading Art SRL.

Best Regards,
……………… (put your name)

*For existing clients who want to transfer their account, the email needs to be sent from the registration email with Fxview.

**Existing clients under a different partner needs to open a new account with a different email address, using our referal link.


The affiliate commission for FxRebate SUB-IBs is 10% of the rebates generated by SUB-IBs clients, applied for all the instruments.

After you open the affiliate account, please contact us at in order to set your rates accordingly.

This offer is valid only for FxView.


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