FX Rebate Account Setup
If you didn`t use FxRebate referral links, to put your existing NordFX trading account under FxRebate partner group you need to send an email to partners department of NordFX at ib@nordfx.com and request the transfer. Find below a sample of the email. After that, please fill the form below with the requested information. You can also fill it later from your FxRebate client portal. We need this information in order to confirm your account has been assigned to our partner group, and also to add your rebates.
Dear Sir/ Madame,
Please place my account no.: ............... (put your account number with NordFX) under IB 1409095 - Financial Trading Art SRL.
Best Regards,
……………… (put your name)
*1409095 is FxRebate partner code with NordFX.